Short individual stays
A long individual stay is a stay of 3 to 12 months. Participants attend classes in an institution of learning in France and are hosted by a family which does not receive financial compensation or require any compulsory work in the home in exchange for hosting. It is a true personal experience of life with its cultural, linguistic, and social dimensions which implies a commitment on the part of the young participant. Preparation must be of the highest quality.
The length of the stay has a direct influence on the content, the progression and the impact of the stay.
Aptitude of the participants: during the interview with the organization, all young applicants must show that they are motivated and psychologically well-balanced.
The French organization prepares the stay in cooperation with its partners.
This type of stay implies that the organization and its representatives must:
- verify the aptitude of the applicants and the host families,
- prepare the participants,
- carry out a periodic follow-up during the stay.