Long individual stays
A long individual stay is a stay of 3 to 12 months. Participants attend classes in a secondary school in France and stay with a volunteer host family. It means the host family doesn’t receive any financial stipend or doesn’t require the student they host to do any work in the home in exchange for hosting.
It is a true personal experience of life with its cultural, linguistic, and social dimensions which implies a commitment on the part of the young participant. Preparation must be of the highest quality.
The length of the stay has a direct influence on the content, the progression and the impact of the stay.
Aptitude of the participants: during the interview with the organization, all young applicants must show that they are motivated and psychologically well-balanced.
The French organizations prepare the stay in cooperation with their partners.
This type of stay implies that the organizations and their representatives must:
- check that applicants and host families are eligible to take part in this program,
- prepare the participants,
- carry out a periodic follow-up during the stay.