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Educational School trips

Often called “mini-stays”, these trips take place during the school term, at the initiative of a teacher or an educational institution. They are subject to the regulations of the national Ministry of Education and to prior authorisation of the Head of School.

Students holding folders at college corridorThe mini-stay generally lasts from one day to one week and may include five school days. It may be for a longer period and may overlap with the school holidays.

The mini-stay may be organized for linguistic purposes (for instance in a country the language of which is taught by the school). A mini-stay may also have a strong cultural and pedagogical interest and then take place in a country or in a region of France that offers such interest. The member organization provides the teachers with all the assistance required for a successful educational project.

The mini-stay generally includes lodging with a family, visits and excursions, meals and sometimes language courses or other activities. It is organised within a framework of official regulations for the supervision of participants. Travel is usually by bus, sometimes by plane or train.

L'office garantit des séjours linguistiques et éducatifs de qualité

L’Office est une association qui porte un label de qualité, qui contrôle et accompagne ses organismes labellisés vers un perfectionnement qualitatif. Tous les organismes labellisés par L’Office s’engagent sur les termes du Contrat Qualité, élaboré avec les fédérations de parents d’élèves FCPE et APEL, ainsi que des associations de consommateurs agréées.

L'Office bénéficie du soutien du Ministère chargé de la Jeunesse.

En savoir plus sur Le Contrat Qualité de L'Office
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