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Au pair stays

The au pair placement is defined as a placement in France for language purposes, including paid “work” in a family, consisting of everyday family tasks, and, in the majority of cases, weekly classes.

Happy mom and her baby girlClasses are compulsory in France. The participant is informed of the conditions before applying.

These placements are organized for young people 18 to 30 years of age. Participants must respect the regulations of the host country, regulations which vary considerably from one country to another. In Europe, Denmark, France, Italy, Spain, and Norway have ratified the “European Agreement on au-pair Placement” (Strasbourg, November 24, 1969).

It is compulsory for au pair participants to be hosted by a family and to receive full room and board, a private room, a health and liability insurance policy, a copy of which is sent to the French organization, and financial compensation which has been determined in advance. The relationship between the family and the au pair is clearly defined from the outset as both a contractual agreement and a cultural exchange.

L'office garantit des séjours linguistiques et éducatifs de qualité

L’Office est une association qui porte un label de qualité, qui contrôle et accompagne ses organismes labellisés vers un perfectionnement qualitatif. Tous les organismes labellisés par L’Office s’engagent sur les termes du Contrat Qualité, élaboré avec les fédérations de parents d’élèves FCPE et APEL, ainsi que des associations de consommateurs agréées.

L'Office bénéficie du soutien du Ministère chargé de la Jeunesse.

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